Foil and Ink Business Cards - Happy New Year from Border X Press™

Foil or Foil with Ink Business Cards
Product size:  3 1/2" x 2"  or  2" x 3 1/2"
Front: Up to Two Foils alone or with up to Two All Flat or All Raised Inks.  Back: Blank or Black Flat Ink.
Margins:  1/8" blank margin all around the card; no stamping or printing in this area.

Purchase Below

These premium business cards are stamped with metallic foil that shines like metal. Ink (flat or raised) may be added to any card. Have us design the cards for you, reorder your previous cards, or provide your own file or photo via email.

Customer Samples

Black raised ink with gold foil on 80lb. white cover.

Black raised ink and gold foil on 80lb. white linen.

Blue raised ink with copper foil on 80lb. cream linen. 

Black flat ink with silver foil on 110lb. white classic crest.

Foil Colors

Custom foil stamping on the front side is available in up to two foil colors. Foil is metallic in color and stamped flush on the stock surface. No heavy coverage or large solid areas. Foil is not available on the back. 
Metallic Gold, Metallic Silver, Metallic Copper, Black, Metallic Red, Metallic Blue, Metallic Green.

Standard Ink Colors

Custom printing in all flat ink or all raised ink is available on the front side. Choose from any single ink or two-color combination listed below. Flat ink has a matte finish and dries flat on the stock surface. Raised ink has a gloss finish and dries elevated above the stock surface. No heavy coverage or large solid areas. Printing on the back is available in flat black ink. Intricate designs with multiple points of ink and foil registration are not available.
Black, Red, Blue, Process Blue, Green, Brown, Gray, Maroon, Teal.
Black + Any Standard Ink, Red + Blue, Red + Green, Blue + Brown, Blue + Gray, Gray + Maroon.

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Order by Stock
This product is sold in sets of 500 or 1000.
All prices are in U.S. Dollars.

To add more sets, or more sets for additional individuals, enter the information below for the first set and
click the "Add to Cart" button. Then, on the subsequent screen, click + under "Quantity".

80lb. Cover Stock
Smooth surface. Matte finish.

80lb. White Cover

Select a Quantity
Select a Layout or Use Your Own
Ink Process
Front: Enter 1 or 2-Ink Combo
Front: Enter Foil Color(s)
80lb. Cover Stock
Smooth surface. Matte finish.

80lb. Natural Cover

80lb. Linen Stock
Horizontal and vertical pattern.
Textured surface. Matte finish.

80lb. White Linen

80lb. Warm White (Cream) Linen

80lb. Gray (Frost) Linen

Select a Quantity
Select a Layout or Use Your Own
Choose a Stock
Ink Process
Front: Enter 1 or 2-Ink Combo
Front: Enter Foil Color(s)
12pt. C1S Gloss Stock
Smooth surface. Gloss coated on front side.

12pt. White Gloss

Select a Quantity
Select a Layout or Use Your Own
Ink Process
Front: Enter 1 or 2-Ink Combo
Front: Enter Foil Color(s)
110lb. Classic Crest Stock
A thicker than normal stock. Elegant.
Smooth surface. Matte finish.

110lb. White Classic Crest

Select a Quantity
Select a Layout or Use Your Own
Ink Process
Front: Enter 1 or 2-Ink Combo
Front: Enter Foil Color(s)
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